Yo, gengs! Udah siap-siap menyambut hari spesial Isra Miraj 1446 H/2025 yang bakal diperingati besok, Senin, 27 Januari 2025? Nih, buat lo yang pengen ngerayain dengan gaya beda tapi tetap meaningful, kita kasih kumpulan 40 ucapan Isra Miraj 1446 H/2025 dalam Bahasa Inggris yang nggak cuma kece, tapi juga dalem maknanya. Cocok banget buat update status sosmed lo biar makin relatable sama vibe-nya hari ini! 📲✨
Isra Miraj tuh bukan sekadar peristiwa biasa, sob! Ini momen sakral yang jadi tanda mukjizat perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW pada tanggal 27 Rajab di tahun 621.
Dalam satu malam aja, Nabi Muhammad SAW melakukan perjalanan fisik dan spiritual—yang disebut Isra (dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjid Aqsa) dan Miraj (naik ke surga). Keren banget kan? Dari peristiwa inilah, kita umat Islam diperintahkan untuk salat lima waktu. ✨🙏
Buat lo yang mau bikin peringatan tahun ini lebih meaningful, yuk bikin pesan yang nyentuh hati buat keluarga, sahabat, atau followers lo di sosmed. Nih, 40 ucapan yang udah kita rangkum. Siap? Gas! 💬👇
40 Ucapan Isra Miraj 1446 H/2025 dalam Bahasa Inggris, Quotes yang Pas Banget Buat Pesan dan Status
- “Forgiveness gives us a kind and special feeling. Let’s celebrate today by forgiving each other’s mistakes.”
- “On this Isra and Mi’raj night, let’s celebrate the night journey and the holy ascension.”
- “Wishing you a blessed day! May this miraculous and inspirational night bring you all the blessings.”
- “This Isra Miraj, let’s take the chance to preach to the students about the holy night journey of Prophet Muhammad.”
- “Let’s remember Isra Wal Mi’raj night as the night of forgiveness. Happy Isra Miraj 2025!”
- “Today made us believe in miracles. Let’s try to create miracles in our own lives.”
- “Let’s praise what Muhammad saw and not forget to praise the meaning of his journey.”
- “Let’s use this moment to pray Maghrib after Isha Namaz. Isra Miraj 2025 Mubarak!”
- “On this day, let’s complete any duties that we may have missed. Don’t let procrastination win!”
- “Al Isra Wal Mi’raj – The Miraculous Journey Of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Let’s remember and honor this event.”
- “On this Isra and Mi’raj, let’s praise the laws brought by Prophet Muhammad.”
- “On this holy occasion of Al Isra Wal Mi’raj, wishing you peace and happiness.”
- “Let’s take this opportunity to pray Maghrib after Isha Namaz. Isra Miraj Mubarak!”
- “On this Isra and Mi’raj, let’s praise the law of Prophet Muhammad. Happy Isra Miraj 2025!”
- “Let’s praise the inspiring law of Prophet Muhammad, which guides our lives in so many different ways. Wishing you all a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day 2025!”
- “Wishing you all the best for the great and holy occasion of Al-Isra Wal Miraj. Allah is One, and His messenger is Muhammad (SAW).”
- “I wish you a blessed day on the holy occasion of Al-Isra Wal Miraj. The Night Journey can’t be compared with any other event in history.”
- “Today is Isra and Miraj. Let’s celebrate this peaceful event with love and respect. Happy Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension Day to all Muslims!”
- “Shab-e-Miraj Mubarak! This event marks the night when Allah took Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on a journey from Makkah to Jerusalem and then to Heaven, giving us the gift of Salat.”
- “The celebration of Isra Miraj reminds us of the importance of prayer. Isra and Miraj Mubarak!”
- “Rajab is a month that’s been marked by historical moments. Let’s make today another meaningful one. Wish everyone a blessed Al Isra Wal Miraj.”
- “Wishing all my friends and associates the best on the holy occasion of Al Isra’ wal Miraj. Let’s increase our faith in Allah as we prepare for Ramadan.”
- “Happy Isra Mi’raj to Muslims worldwide! May Allah bless us all.”
- “Congrats on commemorating Isra Miraj! Let’s strive for perfection in our faith and actions.”
- “Happy Isra Miraj to all Muslims! May we be inspired by the noble character of Prophet Muhammad.”
- “Congratulations on commemorating Isra Miraj for all Muslims. Let’s strengthen our faith and devotion to Allah.”
- “Congratulations on commemorating Isra Miraj, my brothers and sisters! Let’s always strive to imitate the noble character of Prophet Muhammad.”
- “Warm wishes to all on Isra and Mi’raj Day. Let’s pray for peace, forgiveness, and blessings from Allah.”
- “This special day reminds us that peace and unity are the real treasures in life. Let’s work for it. Happy Isra Miraj!”
- “On this Isra and Mi’raj Day, let’s offer prayers for those who are sick and seek blessings from Allah for a blessed life.”
- “Let this day remind us of our duties. Let’s fulfill any responsibilities we’ve missed and make them right.”
- “Celebrate Isra and Mi’raj with your loved ones by offering night prayers and praying for happiness and peace.”
- “Let’s praise the law of Prophet Muhammad. His teachings guide us every day. Wishing you all a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day!”
- “Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day to all my near and dear ones. Let’s use this day to offer night prayers and seek blessings.”
- “On this holy occasion of Isra and Mi’raj, let’s celebrate with high spirits and raise our hands in prayer for the Almighty.”
- “Wishing everyone a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day! Let’s remember to do good in all our actions and complete our duties.”
- “Let’s make this Isra and Mi’raj Day extra special by forgiving each other and asking for forgiveness for our wrongs.”
- “Happy Isra Mi’raj to all Muslims! May the blessings of Prophet Muhammad SAW always guide us.”
- “Happy Isra Mi’raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 27 Rajab 1446 for all Muslims around the world! Allah bless you all.”
- “Happy Isra Mi’raj to all Muslims across the globe! Let’s continue to spread love and faith, following the path of Prophet Muhammad.”
Nah, itu dia gengs, 40 ucapan kece buat Isra Miraj yang bisa kalian post di sosmed, atau kirim ke teman-teman dan keluarga. Semoga bisa makin mempererat tali silaturahmi, memperkuat iman, dan pastinya, bikin momen Isra Miraj kali ini makin bermakna. Jangan lupa, salat lima waktu juga harus tetep jadi prioritas, ya! ✨💫