GENDIS.ID – Nih, lagi rame banget nih poster ala-ala Disney Pixar yang bikin kamu ngiler. Tapi, tahukah kamu, sekarang kamu bisa bikin poster serupa itu sendiri pake teknologi AI (Artificial Intelligence). Nah, caranya gampang banget, pakai Bing Image Creator dari Microsoft.
Ini dia cara bikin poster keren ala film Disney Pixar dengan Bing Image Creator yang bisa kamu coba.
TERKAIT: Rahasia Langkah Demi Langkah, Membuat Poster Disney Pixar Viral dengan Bing Image Creator
Cara Membuat Poster Ala Disney Pixar dengan AI Bing Image
- Pertama-tama, buka browser kamu.
- Trus, kunjungi laman Bing Image Creator.
- Kamu harus punya akun Microsoft, jadi kamu bisa log in pake akun Outlook atau Hotmail. Kalo kamu udah login di Microsoft Edge, juga bisa lho.
- Nah, setelah kamu masuk, saatnya kasih deskripsi buat poster yang mau kamu buat. Deskripsi ini gak perlu ribet banget, kamu bisa mulai dengan nulis judul film Disney Pixar yang kamu mau (atau kamu bisa masukin namamu juga, kenapa enggak?), terus karakter yang ada di poster, aktivitas yang mereka lakuin, dan latar belakang atau lokasinya.
VIRAL: Hemat Abisss!! Katalog Promo Indomaret 1-15 November 2023, Ini Deretan Harga Promonya
Contohnya Perintah atau Deskripsi untuk Membuat Poster Disney Pixar di Bing IMage:
1. “Disney pixar poster of a man wearing a suit in the museum looking for a history book. 3D animation.”
2. “Disney Pixar movie poster about “Donut”. Make poster like “Monster Inc” movie. The character on the poster is a monster named Monster Hunter. The man has black hair and wears a jetpack. The poster has a monster background. 3D Animation.”
12 Contoh Deskripsi Bing Image Creator untuk Bikin Poster Ala Disney Pixar AI
(Contoh deskripsi poster Disney pixar GENDIS)
3. “Disney pixar poster title “Tulang Bawang” features The city of Tulang Bawang is currently cyberpunk city”.
4. “Disney pixar poster movie. A girl with ponytail hair, wearing a jacket Rollink, wearing glasses with her boyfriend wearing a blue hoodie, taking a selfie with a view of a live concert. 3D animation.”
5. Disney pixar movie poster in music festival high school. The girl is wearing a batik, with black hair with bangs. The boy wearing black suit has dimples.
6. Disney pixar poster, 3d animation. The hairless Sphynx cat is known for its wrinkled skin and distinctive appearance, which includes large ears and a lively personality.
Disney pixar poster, 3d animation. Bengal cats have a distinctive leopard-like appearance, with sleek, spotted coats and a playful, active nature.
7. “Disney pixar poster ” A girl boyish wearing ripped jeans, playing the grand piano. View opera.”
8. “Disney pixar poster, a couple enjoying hiking mountain, a sweet boy wearing a gray hoodie and black jeans, black shoes, a carrier bag and a cute girl carrying a backpack. 3D animation.
9. “Disney pixar poster . A boy with a mullet haircut wearing a volleyball jersey with a view of a volleyball match.”
10. Disney pixar poster a women teacher wearing a hijab and batik with Indonesian students of high school. 3D animation.
11. Disney pixar poster a teacher, a man teacher wearing batik, cloth trousers with Indonesian students of high school. 3D animation.
12. Disney pixar poster features a 2 asian’s man walking on Shibuya Street at 12 a.m. They wear a suit jacket with a shirt with the buttons slightly open. The surrounding atmosphere looks busy. Make it 3d animation.“
Itu dia 12 contoh deskripsi yang bisa kamu pakai buat bikin poster ala Disney Pixar pake AI. Kamu bisa nyoba bikin poster dengan potret diri sendiri, atau bisa juga bikin poster seru bareng pasangan, temen-temen, atau keluarga. Selamat nyoba, guys!